Podcasts Writing

Aphid Hour: a podcast companion to an essay on Donna Haraway

The idea is to get some sense of the complexity of ecological forces that are operating on the aphid and that shape its evolution in various ways.


Jackson Pollock wasn’t abstract or expressionist: on visceral materialism

I reckon writing for a blog can be a little less formal and hopefully a little more provocative than writing in an academic context or for a ‘proper’ publication.  So I start this post with a provocation Jackson Pollock wasn’t abstract or expressionist.


James Turrell’s Within without: A User’s Guide

I’m a huge fan of James Turrell’s work and I reckon Within without (2010) is one of the best things the NGA has ever purchased. I also think that it’s important to do some in depth thinking about the art that you love and this article is my attempt to do that in relation to…


Postulates of Brain Sculpting

Contemporary neuroscience has provided us with insights into the functioning of the brain that have the potential to inform new modes of creative practice. In this article I discuss how recent developments in the areas of brain plasticity and the occupational specialization of brain processes can open a field of investigation that will involve the…


The Curse of Formalism

As a teacher I’ve sometimes seen students who are making interesting and chaotic work have the life sucked out of it by a curator or lecturer who asks them to reduce it to some kind of minimalist/formalist essence. On one level this article is a defense of the brilliantly chaotic, a mode that can take…