
Art, autopoiesis, biology, consciousness and psychedelics | In conversation with Jason Tuckwell

This is a conversation that I had with my friend Jason Tuckwell about his work and our shared interests. The title of this post gives you some sense of the ground that we cover across the three parts of this conversation.

We start with a discussion of Jason’s book Creation and the Function of Art: Techné, Poiesis and the Problem of Aesthetics published by Bloomsbury in November 2017.

Jason and I both studied art at the University of Western Sydney in the good old days when it still had an art school. Jason has continued his work with art practice by thinking and writing on its relationship to philosophy and biology (as you’ll here in this discussion).

I met Jason when we shared a doctoral supervisor, Anthony Uhlmann, and were both part of a reading group that he organised. Ever since then my conversations with Jason have always helped to shift and develop my thinking in important ways so I wanted to record some of the thinking that happens in our conversations and share it with you all.

Videos for parts two and three coming soon.

Part one

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Part two

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Part three

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